Wednesday, May 12, 2010

If you had the opportunity to put a plan in place to control excessive population growth, what would it be?

It is a reasonable concern that I don't hear many talking about. Not just in the United States... All over the world the population just keeps on growing and growing. And with major advances in medicine to come, the population will only grow faster if nothing is done.

What do you think would be a reasonable method to controlling the world's population?If you had the opportunity to put a plan in place to control excessive population growth, what would it be?
A question that needs asking, but no one wants to talk about it. I think worldwide voluntary access to birth control is essential. China's method of the government limiting each family to one child has turned out real bad. I think each government must make birth control easy and cheap. Education is the key, as it isn't hard to see that everything from polution, food shortages, land and water use, global warming, all are effected by the rapid population growth. If you had the opportunity to put a plan in place to control excessive population growth, what would it be?
If it did become a problem I would create a plan that taxes people more for having more than 2 children. On top of that I would make sure gay marriage is legal, so that gay people don't go marry some chick he hates and add extra children into the world. Instead of them doing that, the gays would marry each other and adopt children who have already been given the life they deserve, effectively getting kids out of adoption homes and slowing the process of over population. Killing is not an option, but we should also make it easier for old people in hospitals, who no longer have the will to live, to be able to die peacefully and make room in hospitals for people who do have a second chance. and no I wouldn't have them killed, I would just give these people the option of euthanasia, and if they choose to live, then let them live.

This is just my opinion, most people probably wouldn't go this route but this is the only way to control the population with out mindlessly killing random people.
Great question!

I would institute a parenting license...that would include educating future parents on how to be good parents. As a foster mom of 15 years I can tell you it's not just drugs that gets in the way of being a good parent. Many young people who had no good role model themselves just don't know how to do a good job with their own kids.

If you look at Europe, they are close to 2 kids per family, and their immigrants from Africa and South America generally have bigger families.

It takes passing a test to drive a car, but you can bring a baby into this world without any education. I would offer an additional monetary bonus to families who limit themselves to two children...better tax breaks for smaller families.
Maybe this is a simple claim or even a refute, but I don't think there are any reasonably ';humane'; ways of controlling the population.

I would be curious though that what the present growth charts look like in comparison to those of our posterity, as it would seem that we have actually slowed down reproduction quite a bit.

Short of encouraging families to adopt or to have no children in general (something unimaginably hard) euthanasia and murder are the last options, and one that I would prefer to avoid.

How big of a problem is it really?
no state/fed aid for poor women unwilling to get norplanted. set up the tax code so you have to be rich to have a large family; people who remain childless get tax rebate; give tax credits to families who have no more than 2 kids, but they lose the rebate for each kid after that.

basically make people pay to have kids. the poor have fewer and the rich have more, making for a smarter and wealthier population. if we want to slow population growth, this is the way to go. giving people tax/welfare incentives only makes the problem worse.
Education and availability of birth control.

You are right, this is a very serious issue that is really ignored.

In nature, population imbalances tend to take care of themselves. If there are too many of one species, then there is not enough food and space and population decreases through disease and starvation. The question is, can we work to control population on our own or do we end up dying off because of disease and starvation? One way or the other population will stabilize. Shouldn't we choose the more humane path?
Follow China's lead.

You need incentives and the right programs.

-You want to have low infant mortality (which actually lowers the birthrate) and freely available family planning including contraception and abortions

-You want financial incentives. Use taxes and subsidies on things like education (or direct transfers) to make having less children more attractive. Typically parents face a trade-off between quality and quantity of children, and you want them to invest in quality. That requires emphasizing education, and creating the kind of economy where education pays off.
Education is the way to stop over population.

It's a simple equation. The higher the educational level, the less children. Much of Western Europe has reached this level. Without immigration Europe's population would be static.

In every case, as education increases, population growth slows.
Mandatory I.U.D.'S be placed in girls at there first gynological visit while still under parental control. That visit usually is supposed to happen when the get their period or at least by the time they are 15-16. A five year I.U.D. Will take them to 20. Where they would at least be able to finish high school and maybe will have decided on a goal. Rather than having a bunch of silly teenagers running around pregnant before they're even allowed drive. There are age restrictions on everything else in this country. Why not this area?
I talk about this all the time!


I think we should have girls tubes tide as soon as the start pms, then they can only have children when they are ready...

I know it will never be done because any surgery is risky , especially on children, but honestly... no 13 year old girl should be allowed to have a child.

I think that birth control (such as depo vera) should be used among women who don't want children. Even if it has to be given for free. Also, parents need to teach children how easy it is to get pregnant and protect themselves.
im sorry you have to hear this but the governments of the world will finally get to use their nuclear bombs (i dont mean those puffy things used in japan, i mean the hydrogen)

OKELLY P you're a dick **** you and die you peace of ****
In America get rid of the tax cuts are that given to people with children.

In other places, like Africa, where it's traditional to have a big family, just educate them.
Massive castration.....starting with the politicians and all folks who think they know everything about how God wants this world populated.
im am mean but let smokers smoke and people do drugs and kill them selves

i can not see a world wide limit to how many children you can have ever coming in
Honestly, it will never happen but...

Stop pouring trillions of dollars into better ways to kill each other and start pouring trillions of dollars into ways to colonize space.
I think if you live in an overpopulated area you think this but not if you live in an under populated area..ask any pro-life person who lives in middle amercia.
A perpetual war. That would not only control the population it would keep the economy humming along.
I know what you mean....I think about this on a regular basis myself. Every answer I come up with would look communist, soooo I still haven't come up with anything
Better sex education and free and readily available contraception everywhere in the world. Not everyone wants 10 kids.
require all males to get a vasectomy after their first born and to take volunteers to colonize the moon.
Keeping Bush and the republicans in Power, would go a long way to creating more war, and that would help
promote homosexuality
Don't worry I think Mother Nature has all of that covered.
all girls at the age of 17 should have pregnancy those shots that prevent you from getting pregnant for a while..

and chastity belts.
0 population growth...1 child per person...2 to a couple.
1 child per family gets a higher income tax credit. More children higher tax!
A person can only have one child, unless the children after the first are adopted.
Mandatory sterilization after 2 children
I am planning to have as many kids as I can. So long as I can afford them and take good care of them, why shouldn't I?

Those who don't have an interest in having children, or who don't take care of and support their children should be paid by the gov't to be steralized.

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