Sunday, January 24, 2010

How do you control citrus tree canker? What causes it?

My leaves have blisters and leaf curl. What's causing it?How do you control citrus tree canker? What causes it?
Citrus canker is caused by a bacteria. There is no cure. An infected tree should be removed and the trunk treated to prevent root sprouts (which would also be infected).

However, there are two other common diseases, Anthracnose and Scab which can closely resemble Canker. These are fungal diseases, which , while unsightly, are not serious problems.

Citrus leaf miners can also seriously damage the new growth of citrus trees this time of year, resulting in the appearance you describe.

Contact your local agricultural officials. They can help you diagnose which problems you have, and tell you how to deal with them.How do you control citrus tree canker? What causes it?
It is spread by airborne spores. You MUST contact your State Department of Conservation immediately. They have a website. They will send someone within the hour to ID the disease. The only cure is to remove and destroy the tree. If you really have this disease on your tree you are endangering a 3 block area. It spreads like wildfire. Citrus tree populatons in whole counties have been wiped out in weeks in Florida. Thats how potent it is!

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